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Quarantine Projects for Your Apartment This Fall

November 20, 2020

If you find yourself quarantined as the holidays approach, here are some fresh quarantine projects to prepare for the season! Make the holidays fun and memorable this season by enjoying some creative quarantine projects.


Kitchen Edition


Add to your traditional holiday cooking and baking this year by trying a few new recipes! Get the whole family involved and develop new kitchen skills this season! With more families eating their meals at home, the fun of trying new recipes can be paired with meal questions to bring the family together. Have each person take turns asking each other some fun questions! Ideas could include:


  • What is a random fact you know that others usually don’t?
  • If you could change one thing about your bedroom, what would it be?
  • Would you rather be a famous singer or famous sports player?


Another fun project for quarantine is hosting a virtual dinner party! Get a few friends or family members to join for a weekly dinner party. This is the perfect idea if you are living alone or miss going out with friends.



Home Edition


While spending more time in your home, you may find yourself starting up some quarantine home projects. What better home projects for quarantine is there than getting into the holiday spirit by decorating your house? Try a new furniture layout to spice up your living area, and even order a few new decorations online!


While you are working on a few updates, take a little of your extra time at home to tackle some of the forgotten spaces that could use a little cleaning attention. A few of these spaces may be:

  • Dusting Light Fixtures
  • Underneath the Refrigerator and Oven
  • Wiping Down the Baseboards
  • Pet Bowls and Pet Bedding

Cleaning isn’t always fun, but you’ll be sure to feel accomplished after it’s done!


Kids Edition


Keeping kids busy during holiday quarantine might mean getting creative!

Plan a family movie night and enjoy some homemade pizza or popcorn. There are lots of great holiday movies that are fun to watch and you can continue this activity after the holidays by having each family member take turns choosing the movie of the week. If movies are not your choice, a family game night is always fun! You can also keep kids entertained by planning a treasure hunt or hiding the elf on the shelf around the house!


We hope these holiday creative quarantine project ideas help you and your family stay busy and enjoy time together while staying home!


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