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2023 Move For Hunger Food Drive

November 15, 2023

During the 2022 holiday season, Simpson joined forces with Move For Hunger to give our residents an easy option to donate food when they move. Since then, our community teams have setup donation stations so residents can donate year-round.


To spread some holiday cheer, we’re once again organizing a food drive at our communities. The food drive begins November 27th and will run through December 8th. Simpson residents can reach out to their onsite teams for more information.


Read on for more information on Move For Hunger and the impact our partnership has made.


About Move For Hunger

Did You Know?

  • 1 in 8 Americans relocate each year.
  • 1 in 8 Americans are food insecure.
  • 40% of all food produced in the US each year is lost or will go to waste.


Move For Hunger is a nationwide organization that collects food donations from people who are moving to reduce food insecurity and waste. Partnerships such as Simpson’s makes it easier than ever to donate and make an impact. You too can donate and work with Move For Hunger (even if you’re not a Simpson resident), no partnership required.


Click here to learn how you can get involved. Click here to find a mover near you - these volunteers deliver your non-perishable food to local food banks at no additional cost. And of course, monetary donations can be made by clicking here!


2022 Impact

Our partnership with Move For Hunger began towards the end of 2022, and our residents donated 1,915 pounds of food, which is 677 meals. Since then, we’ve seen great participation among our residents…


2023 Impact

As of November 9, Simpson communities have donated 4,164 pounds of food – that is 3,470 meals! We’re looking to increase that impact with this upcoming food drive. Check back later this year for an update on our 2023 impact!

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